Useful Information Resources & Links

The NHS in UK is one of the world's most comprehensive health services. It was formed with the aim of giving equal health benefits and medical care to all.

The Funding System of the NHS

Though funded centrally, NHS is managed separately in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Use the link below and get a detailed information on the funding system, structure and function of the NHS organization.

How the NHS was formed

NHS was created with the aim of giving health benefits to common people, caring and curing health issues. The history of the formation of the NHS in UK dates back to 1948. The below link offers you a detailed history of the NHS.

You can also check for various historical facts and figures from the link below.

Use the link below to visit the NHS information centre.

Benefits for the NHS Staff Members

The NHS service offers various special benefits under different departments.
Pay and other benefits related to NHS staff members are detailed in the link below.

The NHS pension scheme is the largest centrally administered pension scheme in the UK. The various rules, benefits and the schemes of the pensions offered is provided in the link below

Any person involved with the NHS, be it the patient or care-taker are also entitled to be benefited by the NHS schemes. These benefits and the different ways of acquiring them are detailed in the link below.

NHS Jobs

Job hunting in NHS is a challenging task. The procedures and criteria for job hunting is given in the page in the link below.

The following link gives you a fair information on the key players in the healthcare team.

All job categories require skill sets that suits the nature of job. The health industry is no exception. The link below gives you a brief description on the skills required to work in the industry.

Certain jobs also requires pre-qualification before taking them up. Use the link below to find what qualification is required to take up a career in NHS.

Migrants from across the globe are also given an opportunity to work with the NHS. Migrants who prefer to work in the UK NHS services can go through the following link in order to get a detailed idea.

In the field of medicine, there are various roles to be performed. The link below gives you a vivid view on the different roles available in the field of health science.

You may also use the following link to know on the latest jobs news and developments.


Development and progress within the NHS is also possible. The contents in the link below explains you on how to build a good career and the developments and growth opportunities within the NHS career.

To follow the latest developments in the department of health use the link below.

More on the latest developments here

NHS Management

The NHS management is run by a board of trustees. All the day-to-day management and activities are organized by these trustees. The structure of the NHS organization and their daily routine is described in the link below.

The link below gives you a fair idea on the NHS institutes.

Read about NICE - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence here

Read about our Royal College of nursing here.

Read about our British Medical Association here.

NHS in Scotland, England and Wales

As discussed earlier NHS in UK is handled separately in Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
Use the following link to read on the detailed description on NHS in Scotland.

The following link gives you a brief knowledge on the NHS of Ireland.

The link below will give you a briefing on the NHS organization in Wales.

And the link below gives a briefing on the NHS organization in London.

Rights and Pledges

Knowing one's rights will help in getting the best out of a state, country or even an organization. Read the contents in the link below to get a detailed information on your rights in the NHS organization.

NHS Choices

Human life itself is left to a lot of choices especially when it comes to one's habits like drinking, smoking and other unique and weak habits sometimes called as addictions. NHS also helps people who are willing to quit these addictions. To study more about this in detail use the link below

More information on

The NHS Choices community was framed for the benefit of common people. Here people come online and discuss on how they manage their illness and cope up with their medical conditions. This also includes advices for pregnant mothers and other common topics like weight loss etc. To join this community of people or collect information on a particular subject, the link below can be used.

To know on the various health conditions and their treatment benefits see the link below.

Quality Policy

All health services in the UK maintain a strict quality-maintenance policy. To know about their quality-policies in detail use the link below.

Use the link below to go to the NHS library. It has all the health information resources.

More information and greater quality healthcare information available here.

NHS Publications

NHS also has some comprehensive publications that offers a variety of information in the specified field or category.

The following link is the website of the British Medical Journal. The journal is preferred by doctors and is one of the most important publications in the UK.

The below link is an exclusive publication of careers for doctors of all grades.

Nurses in UK have their own publications as well. The most important publication meant for nurses is the Nursing Times. The link below takes you through the details regarding Nursing Times.

Comment Policy and Consumer Help

The NHS also encourages common people to give their valuable feedbacks and suggestions. Read about these comment policies in detail using the link below.

The link below is that of a charity that gives informaiton on family, money, rights etc. and advice for their internet service.

"Health is Wealth". All developed nations in the world have an advanced and powerful health service. Be it any country, healthcare services hold a very high status. Working in the healthcare industry does make a real prestigious factor.

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